Senin, 27 September 2010

One sunday morning , in the classroom ambar, nopi and david sharing about valentine day

Ambar : hi..........guys, how date is today ?

Novi : 11 february

David : oh ...... my god , valentine is coming ,three day again , ouch im forget it !

Ambar : what up men ?

David : im probably , i have many girls !

Novi : how many ?

David : three

Ambar : really ?

David : yes , are you have idea for me ?

Novi : if i and my girls , we will have dinner in valentine night ?

David : thats good idea for me !

Ambar : im sad because my girls cannot hangout .......

Novi : so , what will you do ?

Ambar : i will giff her many flower and chocolate.

Suddenly boby and aris coming

Novi : hei.........friend,

Boby and Aris : hei............

Ambar : hei......., why you look bad mood today.....

Boby : no, im good

Aris : because im broken heart and i alone in valentine,

David : why ?

Aris : shes refusing my love

Boby : why dont go with the other girl ?

Aris : i cant because i love him very much...

Ambar : im sorry to heard that,

Boby : i think you must choose the other girl, because the girl not only her ,and i think you are handsome and smart

David : you are perfect boy

Aris : thank you very much friend.

Novi and Ambar : ok,...

Boby : the bell is ringing lets the forget valentine plane and focus to study


Sabtu, 25 September 2010

I. Tujuan

Memahami hukum Archimedes melalui percobaan

II. Alat dan Bahan

1) Beban 3 buah

2) Gelas ukur

3) Neraca pegas

4) Air

III. Teori Dasar

Menurut Archimedes, jika suatu benda dicelupkan ke dalam zat cair maka benda tersebut akan mengalami gaya ke atas yang besarnya sama dengan zat cair yang dipindahkan oleh benda tersebut. Dengan demikian, jika berat benda pada saat berada dalam zat cair diukur maka berat tersebut akan lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pada saat benda tersebut ditimbang di udara.

IV. Cara Kerja

1. Siapkan tiga beban yang massanya 100g, 200g, dan 300g, sebuah neraca pegas, gelas ukur, dan air secukupnya.

2. Masukkan air ke dalam gelas ukur dan catat volumenya (V0).

3. Timbang beban 1 di udara dengan neraca pegas dan catat beratnya (W1).

4. Beban 1 yang masih tergantung pada neraca pegas dicelupkan ke dalam gelas ukur sampai terendam seluruhnya. Catat volume air (V1) dan berat beban dalam air (W2). Hitung perbedaan berat beban 1 saat ditimbang di udara dengan saat ditimbang di dalam air serta hitung pula besarnya volume air yang dipindahkan (V1-V0).

5. Ulangi langkah 3 dan 4 untuk beban 2 dan 3.

6. Tampilkan data hasil perhitungan dalam satu tabel.

V. Tabel Hasil pengamatan








100 g

1000 g atau 1 N

800 g atau 0.8 N

0.2 N

40 x 10-5 N

42 x 10-5 N

2 x 10-5 N

200 g

2000 g atau 2 N

1700 g atau 1.7 N

0.3 N

40 x 10-5 N

43 x 10-5 N

3 x 10-5 N

300 g

300 g atau 3 N

2500 g atau 2.5 N

0.5 N

40 x 10-5 N

45 x 10-5 N

5 x 10-5 N

VI. Hasil Perhitungan

Fa = W1-W2

Fa = ρfluida . g . V

ρfluida = 1000 Kg/m3

g = 10 m/s2

keterangan :

Fa = gaya ke atas (N)

ρfluida = massa jenis fluida (Kg/m3)

W1 = berat benda di udara

W2 = berat benda di air

g = percepatan gravitasi

V = volume air (fluida) yang dipindahkan

Beban 1

Fa = W1-W2

Fa = 0.2 N

0.2 N = ρfluida . g . V

0.2 N = 1000 Kg/m3 . 10 m/s2 . 2 x 10-5 N

0.2 N = 0.2 N

Beban 2

Fa = W1-W2

Fa = 0.3 N

0.3 N = ρfluida . g . V

0.3 N = 1000 Kg/m3 . 10 m/s2 . 3 x 10-5 N

0.3 N = 0.3 N

Beban 3

Fa = W1-W2

Fa = 0.5 N

0.5 N = ρfluida . g . V

0.5 N = 1000 Kg/m3 . 10 m/s2 . 5 x 10-5 N

0.5 N = 0.5 N

VII. Analisis Data

· Berat beban yang ditimbang di udara lebih besar daripada berat beban yang ditimbang di dalam air karena beban di dalam air mendapat gaya ke atas yang sama dengan zat cair yang dipindahkan.

· Dari hasil percobaan tersebut kita dapat memahami bahwa berat benda di udara lebih besar daripada saat berada pada zat cair dan sesuai dengan hukum Archimedes bahwa benda dalam air mendapat gaya ke atas yang sama dengan zat cair yang dipindahkan.

VII. Pertanyaan dan Jawaban


1. Mengapa berat benda saat diukur di udara dan dalam air memberikan hasil yang berbeda?

2. Berapa besar gaya ke atas yang dalam percobaan ini?


1. Karena menurut tekanan Hidrostatis, tekanan pada permukaan atas dan bawah benda yang berada pada zat cair berbeda, akibatnya terdapat selisih gaya yang bekerja. Selisih gaya ini berperan sebagai gaya ke atas sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa besarnya gaya ke atas sama dengan berat zat cair yang dipindahkan.

2. Beban 1

Fa = ρfluida . g . V

Fa = 1000 Kg/m3 . 10 m/s2 . 2 x 10-5 N

0.2 N = 0.2 N

Jadi, besar gaya ke atas beban 1 adalah 0.2 N

Beban 2

Fa = ρfluida . g . V

0.3 N = 1000 Kg/m3 . 10 m/s2 . 3 x 10-5 N

0.3 N = 0.3 N

Jadi, besar gaya ke atas beban 2 adalah 0.3 N

Beban 3

Fa = ρfluida . g . V

0.5 N = 1000 Kg/m3 . 10 m/s2 . 5 x 10-5 N

0.5 N = 0.5 N

Jadi, besar gaya ke atas beban 3 adalah 0.5 N

VIII. Kesimpulan

Dari percobaan di atas, berat benda di udara lebih besar daripada saat berada pada zat cair. Menurut tekanan hidrostatis, tekanan pada permukaan atas dan bawah benda yang berada pada zat cair berbeda, akibatnya terdapat selisih gaya yang bekerja. Selisih gaya ini berperan sebagai gaya ke atas sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa besarnya gaya ke atas sama dengan berat zat cair yang dipindahkan. Konsep inilah yang dikenal sebagai hokum Archimedes.


One afternoon

On her mother’s grave , lisa cried sobbedly

Lisa : “ hik…hik….hik….why do you leave as mom……???? we love you mom….”

Father lisa : “enough baby . . . . .stop to cry please. . .,because these all are our god’s desire… . .we should patient to approve these. . ,”

Lisa : “but . . . .I am not ready to approve this god’s test…….dad….”

Father lisa : “baby……your mother have been quiet and peaceful. . .and I believe there will be a wisdom beside of these all. . . .”

Lisa : “dady. . . . .hik . . .hik. . . hik . . .(crying)”

Then , lisa and her father went home , although they were very sad. . . .

One morning, (^_^) in big house. . . .a women were preparing foods for breakfast

Mother : ( preparing foods)

After that , she come her daughter’s room

Mother : “good morning baby. . . . .weke up please. . . .this is 06:00 am.”

Ririn : “wuaaaah………(she opened her eyes)……what!!!!!!!!,this 06:00 am???(@-@)(she get up and go to the dathroom hurriedly)……”

Meanwhile in the dining room

Father ririn : “where is ririn. . . .mom?”

Mother : “she is bathing dad……/”

Father ririn : “oh yes……she is indeed a lazy girl……..this is 06:00 am….,why has woken up just now??”

Mother : “I don’t know dad……but I think you are too spoiled her till she has been a lazy girl…….”

Father ririn : “not mom………a daughter should be teach more by her mother …… you must makes her to be a fine girl…….I don’t know that she is to be a lazy girl…….that’s not my wrong…….”

Suddeny ririn comes to the dining table……

Ririn : “ehm…………ehm………..good morning mom………..”

Mother : “what!!!!!!!(~_~) ……morning……??????

Father ririn : “ririn ………you are girl you should wake up erly’’’’’’…..”

Ririn : “yes dad……I am sorry…..I promise that I will not do this wrong anymore……..(she is eating hurriedly)……..”

Mother : “baby………don’t be hurried ………be slowly to eat your foods…….”

Ririn : “mother ………this is 06:20 o’clock and 10 minutes again the bell is ringing………”

Mother : “I know ……….but who does ask you too late wake up……….???

Ririn : “yes mom……enough ….why is everybody seold me in this morning?.......I don’t like this…......”

Mother : “ririn……your money……..(her mother eall her, but ririn have gone)”

Mother : “(shooke her head)…….shoiled girl……..”

Regarding with it , father went to his office

Father ririn : “mom…….I will go now……”

Mother : “yes dad (kiss her husband’s hand)”

Father ririn : “ take care your self,,,,,,,,baby…..”

Mother : “of course……….be careful dad ……..”

Meanwhile , from the morning ,lisa and the father to the wood’s looking for the burning wood,but today lisa is very sad……………..

Lisa : “uhhhhhh………life is so hard ,,,,,now long this last…………else my mother has leaved us………”

Farher lisa : “never complaint …………lisa………because we must enjoy this life ……..”

Lisa : “I know that …….but this very hard ……….our life in a poor and degraded…….”

Farher lisa : “be patient baby…….because I believe that well last these all………and some time we will be the rich people and live happily”

Lisa : “yes dad……..I hope so………….”

Farher lisa : “allright ………..I went to go to sell this burning-wood the first”

Lisa : “yes dad………be careful……..”

While her father went to the market , an old women came her

Old women : “good morning girl………”

Lisa : “good morming grand ma………..what can I do for you ?”

Old women : “thank you girl………I very hungry this morning………..but I don’t have anything to eat ……….do you heva food ?”

Lisa : “yes , grand ma I have bread……..but ,this is for my lunch……..but if you want , eat this bread please……………..”(she given her bread to this bread to the old women)

Old women : “owh……………thank you very much………….you are a very generous girl……..”(the old women walked again)

In the other place , when ririn went home , she ate a bread which she bought last morning

She meet the same old women………….

Old women : “excuse me girl…….may I ask a little of your food’s ?because I haven’t ate since three dat’s”

Ririn : “I am sorry because I am very hungry…………but sometime I’ll give you”

Old women : “not girl……………..please help me…just for this time…….”

Ririn : “yo’are indeed a fussy old women……this is for you (ririn gave the wrapping paper left her bread)……………………..and the left the old women”

(in the night ) …………when her mother was sitting with her father

Mother : “ririn ………..!!!!!!!!!!! where do you want to go ?”

Ririn : “ I want to go to somewhere that I like “.

Father : “ This is night, Ririn “.

Ririn : “ I want to go to my Friend’s party and it won’t be until midnight “. (Ririn left her parents hurriedly).

But, in the street Ririn met the old woman in last day she walked with unsteady steps.

Old woman : “ last day, you told me, that sometime you give me the food and along day I wait. Now, do you have the foods ?”.

Ririn : “ again again. You you you… must I meet you in everyday poor old woman. Sorry I am hurried “. (She went away from that old woman).

In the same time, Ririn run over Lisa who went home from the small shop.

Ririn : “ heii. Be careful if you are walking use your eyes “.

Lisa : ( she flung away and her bread seattered to the ground) “ S sss sorry “.

Ririn : ( Didn’t care and went away )

Meanwhile, when Lisa was taking her bread. The old woman came to her.

Old woman : “ Thank you girl, you have helped me last morning “.

Lisa : “ owh, don’t mention it grand ma.. “.

Old woman : “ if you want, I have a little concoction of medieines. Take this please, because this will be useful in sometime ‘.

Lisa : ‘ not grand ma, thank you “.

Old woman : “ No.. take this please “.

Lisa : (she took that concoction). “ thank you very much gran ma.. (but the old woman has gone).

Three week later.

Mother : “ hiks.. hikss.. hiks.. (crying) what happened to you..dear.. I am very apprechensive you about “.

Father : “ wake up Baby. You have been for three weeks in this condition “.

(ririn was sick, her body and her face was red freckles and high fever)

In the other place

Lisa had been a famous traditional healer.

Lisa : “ you are right Dad, our life have been change to be better now “.

Father Lisa : “ Yes, of cource. Do you believe it now ?”.

(when Lisa and her father was talking, someone knocked the door).

Mother : “ Tok…. Tok …. Tok…. Good afternoon

Lisa : (walked over the door) Good afternoon Mrs. Come in, pleaseand sit down.

Mother : (sit down) Thank You.

Lisa : “ What can I do for You Mrs ? “.

Mother : “ Last day, someone told me that there is a traditional heater here” .

Father Lisa : “ You are right Mrs. It is my daughter. So, what is up to you Mrs ?”.

Mother : “ Not me, but it is my daughter, she has been sick for three week and the doctor is also can not a medical her care her “.

Lisa : “ Oh yes. That right ? “.

Mother : “ Yes, her disease indeed very strange. It is like a fever. But, also follow by red freckles on her skin “.

Lisa : “ all right, I will try maximally to treat your daughter “.

Mother : “ thank you “.

( Lisa and Ririn’s mother went sooon )

In Ririn’s House. ( Surprized. Because the girl was someone who ever run over her any weeks ago )

Lisa : “ This girl “.

Mother : “ do you know her ? “.

Lisa : “ Not Mrs. But any weeks ago she run over me without deliverate and at the time she looks very hurried “.

Father Ririn : “ That’s right ? We wanna say sorry girl. Indeed, our daughter is very difficult to teach “.

Lisa : “ oh. Never mind mister. All right. Now, I want a bowl of water “.

Mother : “ okay (she took a bowl of water)

Lisa : ( she come over her concoction, and spell the magic formula and then she dye her concoction and wipe it to Ririn’s face)

Ririn : (suddenly she opened her eyes) Momy. Dady … please, forgive me. Because in this far, I can’t be the goog girl .

Mother : “ You have been aware “.

Ririn : “ You, I am sorry. Because at that day I run over you and angry wiyh you. Althought I know that is my wrong “.

Lisa : “ Don’t mention it. Because I have forgiven you before you say sorry on me “.

Ririn : “ Thank you very much. Now I understand and I will try to change my self to be better. Mom Dad. I love you. I promise that I won’t be a bad and lazy girl “.

From then on. Ririn and Lisa to be a friend. And Ririn get the much learn from Lisa.

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